Answered By: SC4 Library
Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019     Views: 24

Stream millions of classical, contemporary, and world music tracks with Naxos Music Library!

Naxos Music Library[NML] is the world´s largest online classical music library. Currently, it offers streaming access to more than 143,000 CDs with more than 2,223,000 tracks of both standard and rare repertoire. Over 600 new CDs are added to the library every month. Visit to listen!

Want to use on your mobile device? Download the Naxos App from google play or apple app store

After downloading, select "connect with your institution. Enter code sc4_16WMD and follow the prompts to set up a user account. You'll need to verify your account setup in your email to complete the registration process. 

Once signed in, you'll have access to over 2 million tracks, and can browse by genre, explore some of Naxos's curated themed playlists, and build and share your own playlists. You can even use NML content in your classes!

Need help accessing, discovering content, or sharing a playlist? Contact a librarian for help!

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